About Provider Karyn B. Ginsberg, MD:
Dr. Ginsberg’s interest in medicine developed by the time she was five years old. This was in part because she is the daughter of a surgeon, but also because she was a long-term pediatric patient herself. By the time she was eight, she was diagnosed with refractory epilepsy due to a brain tumor. Her personal background motivated her to go to medical school to be able to help children who, like her, were “different”. Despite persistent epilepsy and two brain surgeries, her determination to follow her dream grew even greater. She realized that dream and has been practicing pediatrics for more than 25 years. Dr. Ginsberg feels her work is a constant learning process that has become even more rewarding as she gets to see children and families grow and develop together. She gets great joy when the NEXT generation of babies come to visit as the children of previous patients! Dr. Ginsberg takes great pride in teaching children, adolescents, teens and parents the ins and outs of healthy body, healthy mind, and is grateful to be able to help with any medical bumps along the way. Issues and interests of particular importance to her are trauma and resilience in children and teens plus child development and neurology. She takes an even-keeled, non-alarmist approach to problem solving, only using medications when they are warranted. Dr. Ginsberg believes children are our future and that as a pediatrician, it is her duty to help them and their families be the best they can be, physically, mentally, socially and developmentally, from the time they are born until they finish college.