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Office and Urgent Care Closures

Cardiology-Jersey City is temporarily closed, while Cardiology-Newark is closed permanently.

The Croton-on-Hudson lab and the Patterson lab are temporarily closed until further notice.


Effective June 24, 2024, Charles Kutler, MD has moved to the Poughkeepsie Columbia Campus located at 30 Columbia Street, NY 12601.

Effective June 17, 2024, Maryanne Wysell, MD, Jason Rubin, MD, FACP,  and Saad Yousuf, MD, have moved back to the Poughkeepsie Columbia Campus located at 30 Columbia Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601.

Optum Medical Care, P.C. (formerly CareMount) has upgraded our billing system to ensure that you have a simple, clear and convenient payment experience. To securely view and pay your bills online, visit pay.optum-ny.com.

Effective Tuesday, February 20, 2024, changes have been made to the New York flu clinic hours and locations. Please check the webpage for the most up-to-date information.  

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Better Health Blog

Healthy Living
7 reasons to make time for your flu vaccine

The payoff of getting a flu vaccine is huge. Taking some time out of your day could save you time sick in bed or worse. And it can help protect the people you care about.

Optum Medical Care, P.C.
17 September, 2024
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Health Equity
Health care in the making (Part I): Black History
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
13 February, 2024

Health care is always changing. And we have the devoted medical professionals of the past to thank for that. Among those are Black health care professionals. Health care wouldn’t be the same without their dedication, sacrifice and contributions. But, despite their contributions, health disparities still exist.

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Healthy Living
Heart health 101: Habits for a stronger heart
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
1 February, 2024

It’s February and time to talk about protecting your heart. While it may be American Heart Month, this should be something we talk about daily. Your heart is one of the most vital organs in your body. Its job is to pump oxygen and nutrients to all the major organs and keep blood flowing in the right direction through the blood vessels.

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Health Conditions
It’s time to talk about the importance of cervical health
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
26 January, 2024

Cervical cancer is the fourth leading cause of death in women around the world, and in the United States, it was once the most common cause of death.

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Healthy Living
Develop healthier habits for the new year
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
25 January, 2024

The new year is here and it’s a great time to  begin planning how to be a healthier you. You can take charge of your health and head into the year focused, relaxed with a plan of action.

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Healthy Living
Meal guide for healthy eating
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
22 January, 2024

Making good food choices can help lower your cholesterol, blood sugar and weight.

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Healthy Living
Goal-oriented mindset can ring in health benefits for the New Year
Salvatore Spinelli, MD
2 January, 2024

A new year brings new resolutions that can lead to improvements in daily habits as well as health benefits for many older Americans.

In fact, according to a 2020 study, older adults who engaged in healthy lifestyle choices such as physical activity, not smoking, not heavily drinking, following a healthy diet, and taking part in mentally stimulating activities, had a 60% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

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Health Conditions
Not just your regular holiday blues – diabetes and depression often seen together

1 November, 2023

As the holidays approach, and the season’s expectations and demands draw near, it is not uncommon for some, especially older adults, to catch a case of the “holiday blues.” But it’s important to know when it’s more than just the “blues” and how other conditions, like diabetes, can be linked with depression.1

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Healthy Living
Better sleep means better health
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
6 September, 2023

Did you know that we spend a third of our lives sleeping? But what happens if you snore or can’t sleep altogether? You aren’t able to get the restful sleep your body needs. More importantly, it could be a sign of a sleep disorder.

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Healthy Living
The importance of keeping your feet healthy
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
7 July, 2023

April is National Foot Health Awareness Month and Optum Medical Care is encouraging patients to think about their feet and the importance of taking care of them. Our feet are often overlooked as a vital part of the body and most tend to ignore issues that are affecting their feet.

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Parenting Care
How to begin weaning your child off breastfeeding
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
7 July, 2023

Breastfeeding your baby exclusively for the first six months of their life,¹ and then continuing to breastfeed while introducing solid foods is highly recommended by most pediatricians. However, when to start weaning your baby is an entirely personal decision and is truly up to you. Some women prefer to wean right away, while others choose to wait until their precious little ones are toddlers.

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Health Conditions
What you should know about AFib

In medicine, AFib is not an exaggeration of the truth. Rather, it is an abbreviation for atrial fibrillation, the most common type of arrhythmia — or abnormal heart rhythm. AFib results from disorganization of the heart’s electricity that can cause an irregular heartbeat. Many people are not aware the condition has serious consequences such as an estimated four- to five-fold increased risk of ischemic stroke.

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Healthy Living
Sleep awareness: 7 tips to help you get better sleep

Strengthen and support your immune system with better, restful sleep.

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Parenting Care
How to recognize the signs of labor
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
28 June, 2023

Pregnancy is such a beautiful experience and one that women are not soon to forget. For months, you are preparing for and anticipating the arrival of your precious newborn child. However, as the end of your pregnancy approaches, you may find yourself getting a bit anxious and even fearful of knowing when you should get to the hospital in time for your delivery.

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Health Conditions
When the rotator cuff tears

A tear or injury to the rotator cuff, an important part of your shoulder, can be painful and debilitating. Not all tears are the same, so each repair is tailored to the specific needs of an individual patient.

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Health Conditions
When it’s more than just a mole

Normal moles are common, small (less than 5mm) spots/growths on the skin that appear at birth or during the later years of childhood. Monitoring moles and other pigmented patches is an important step in detecting skin cancer, especially malignant melanoma.

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Healthy Living
Daytime activities to help you sleep better at night

26 June, 2023

Did you know that your activities during the day can affect how well you will sleep at night? According to the 2022 Sleep in America Poll, most Americans have unconscious habits and routines—irregular meals times, lack of exercise and exposure to light that affect their overall sleep quality.

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Health Conditions
What you should know about GERD
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
23 June, 2023

If you’re someone who experiences heartburn, you know the signs: a harsh, burning feeling in your chest usually after eating a large meal, spicy food or when you’re lying down. Frequent, persistent heartburn is the most common symptom of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and an estimated 20% of the population is living with it.

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Healthy Living
Men’s Health Month: A time to act
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
16 June, 2023

June is Men’s Health Month – a perfect reminder for men to make wellness a priority. Many men take care of their health, but additional work is needed to keep more men healthy.

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Health Conditions
How do I know if my teen has a thyroid problem?
Jill Brodsky, MD FAAP
16 June, 2023

Is your teen sleeping a lot? Isn’t that what all teens do? Maybe, but excessive fatigue and lack of energy can be caused by many conditions including a thyroid disorder.

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Health Conditions
Living with chronic kidney disease

Spring is the perfect time to take charge of your health and a good place to start is by learning more about your kidneys. Get to know what they do, risk factors and consequences of kidney disease, and the tests and screening that are key for early detection of kidney disorders.

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Health Conditions
What you should know about droopy eyelids

Our eyes are thought to be one of our most effective means of non-verbal communication. They also may be one of the sincerest parts of the face because they convey our emotions often involuntarily. But what if droopy upper eyelids cover your eyes or hinder your vision preventing you from seeing the eyes of others?

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Health Conditions
How diabetes can affect your eyes
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
15 June, 2023

Diabetes affects more than 37.3 million Americans, which amounts to 11.3% of the U.S. population. For people with diabetes, the body cannot produce enough insulin or it can’t properly use it, leading to a buildup of blood sugar. The resulting high glucose levels can affect the tiny blood vessels in the body, damaging the eyes as well. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness among adults aged 18–64 years.

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Healthy Living
Tips to live healthier and reduce your risk of disease
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
7 June, 2023

Learn what tips can help you lower your risk of disease.

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Parenting Care
What to expect at your postpartum check-up
Optum Medical Care, P.C.
31 May, 2023

Getting your postpartum check-up is an important part of your post-delivery health. Postpartum check-ups are also a way to help you lead a healthy future with your baby.

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Healthy Living
For caregivers: Getting the care you need, now more than ever

To care for others, it’s important to maintain a healthy well-being.

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