Shaheda N. Azher, MD
- Castle Connolly Top Doctor: 2017-2024
- Hudson Valley Magazine Top Doctor: 2017-2024
- Exceptional Women in Medicine: 2020-2024
- Medical Education
- Siddhartha Medical College & Research Institute, Vijayawads, India: 1996 - 1999
- Internship
- Gandhi Hospital, Hyderabad, Indi: 1998 - 1999
- Tufts New England Medical Center transitional year program: June 2002-June 2003
- Residency
- Tufts Neurology, New England Medical Center Hospital, Boston, MA: 1999 - 2002
- Fellowship
- Movement Disorders, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston: 2003-2005
- Neurology Research Fellowship Program, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX: 1996 - 1999
- Board Certifications
- American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
- Mid Hudson Regional Hospital of Westchester Medical Center
Book Chapters:
- Azher SN, Jankovic J. Clinical Aspects of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. In Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Eds.Litvan I, Duyckaerts C:3rd Edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2006
- Azher SN and Jankovic J. Idiopathic Basal ganglia calcification. Medlink article
- Browner N, Azher SN, Jankovic J. Botulinum Toxin treatment of facial myoclonus in suspected Rasmussen encephalitis. Movement Disorders, 2006 Sep; 21(9): 1500-2.
- Diamond A, Shahed J, Azher SN, Dat-Vuong K, Jankovic J. Globus pallidus deep brain stimulation in dystonia. Movement Disorders 2006 May; 21 (5):692-5.
- Azher SN, Jankovic J. Camptocormia Pathogenesis, classification, and response to therapy Neurology 2005; 65:355-359
- Doody RS, Azher SN.Does Apoe correlate with MRI changes in Alzheimers Disease J Neuol Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2000; 69 (5): 668-671.
- Doody RS, Dunn JK, Huang E, Azher SN, Kataki M. A method for estimating duration of illness in Alzheimers disease. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive disorders 2004; 17:1-4.