6 healthy (but overlooked) foods
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It can be tough to overhaul your diet if you’re a meat-and-potatoes kind of eater most nights a week. You’re more likely to see success if you take small, manageable steps. Why not get started by adding one nutritious, delicious food to your plate each day of the week?
If your primary care provider refers you to a specialist, it’s important to know why and what to expect. These questions can help guide the conversation so you feel confident going into your next specialty appointment.
Read articleGood nutrition is crucial for young children to help them grow healthy and strong. Early eating experiences play a significant role in shaping lifelong eating habits, making introducing a variety of nutritious foods during childhood essential.1 However, navigating the world of picky eating can be challenging for parents and caregivers. Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? “My son will only eat Cheerios” or “My daughter refuses to eat green vegetables.”
Read articleGut health plays a role in many of your body’s functions. When your gut is out of balance, you may feel mood or weight changes. You may also be more likely to have heart problems and a weaker immune system. Learn about the signs of poor gut health and how to get yours on track.
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